An Opera Theatre (AOT) is a small opera company new to the Twin Cities. Our mission is to produce socially-relevant works, in order to break down the barriers of the classical art form, and bring communities together.

We hope to promote work for working artists in Minnesota. And it doesn't just stop at opera! AOT believes in fusing multiple art forms to create tantalizing theater events for a diverse artistic community.


Kelly M. Turpin

Founder, Executive Director & Producer

"Kelly Turpin has thrown a gauntlet down to those inclined to think opera consists mainly of prima donnas, pretty tunes and preening."
-Star Tribune

an opera theatre (AOT) was started by Kelly M Turpin, who had a dream of creating a company that inspires community engagement by utilizing local MN artists of the highest caliber and presenting socially relevant opera productions. The main goal of AOT is that art should break down societal, financial, and cultural barriers.  Our first steps toward this goal include offering “pay as you are able” ticket options,  providing Opera Education Immersion classes for ESL and immigrant communities, and community partnerships with local social non-profit organizations. Art should always be of and for the people and that is what AOT is all about.

Feeling inspired?

We truly cannot do what we do without support from people like you. Help us to continue to bring great and meaningful art to our community!  Every gift makes a difference; we are grateful for whatever you can offer. 

Your donations today go directly towards the following:

  • Education Immersion Programming

  • Teaching artists

  • Artist fees

  • Production Costs

  • Organizational Support

Want to designate your funds to a specific cause? Contact us to learn more about how a larger donation can be delegated towards what YOU want to help us with.