The Cradle Will Rock
by Marc Blitzstein

Directed by Christina Baldwin
Puppets by Lizz Windnagel
Music Direction by Marco Real d’Arbelles

The Cradle Will Rock is a satirical comedy on the corruption of capitalism
and corporate greed lined up against people’s rights and the working class of America.
AOT’s production will fuse shadow puppetry and live music theater performance
to tell this exuberant, funny, and zesty tale of our time.

“Set against the background of the prostitution of another kind - the sell-out of one’s profession,
one’s talents, one’s dignity, and integrity at the hands of big business or the powers that be.”
  Marc Blitzstein

April 18, 7pm
April 19, 7pm
April 20, 7pm *ASL Interpreted (Maria Dively and Alyssa Hill)
April 21, 5pm

Heart of the Beast/Avalon Theater | 1500 E Lake Street, Minneapolis 55407

All Tickets Pay As Able

The Cradle Will Rock

The Cradle Will Rock —



Alisha J Volante, strategic research director at Tending the Soil

Chloe Jackson, Housing organizer at Renters United for Justice or Inquilinxs Unidxs por Justicia

Laura Zabel, executive director at Springboard for the Arts

Nonoko Sato, executive director of Minnesota Council of Nonprofits

Peter Rachleff, United States labor historian, and co-executive director of the East Side Freedom Library 

Sarah Fossen, executive director of Minnesota Citizens for the Arts

Torrie Allen, presdient and CEO of Arts Midwest 

William P. Jones, University of Minnesota professor of race and labor history; former president of the labor and working-class history association 

This project was made possible in part with the support of Rimon: The Minnesota Jewish Arts Council, an initiative of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation